Call In / Walk On (Spot Time)

All court fees for spot-time reservations will be charged to the member reserving the court. If you have reserved a court in advance and cannot make it, you must call the Pass Academy Tennis direct line at 703-570-4810 at least 12 hours before the start of your court time. Your account will be charged if Pass Academy at the direct tennis phone number does not hear from you.

Spot Time Fees:

$34/hr   Early Bird: 7 am - 8 am & 9 pm - 10 pm

$40/hr   Peak Hours: 8 am - 9 pm

Spot time rates are set by the club's tennis committee and are subject to change during annual reviews.

Guests & Fees: All guests must be accompanied by a GFS&T Club member and complete a non-member participation waiver before play. Guest fees are charged to the GFS&T Club member's account.  When booking spot time reservations on, please select the number of guests.  The guest fee for spot-time reservations will be $8.00/per guest/per visit.  For guests who are part of a contract court time, there will be a one-time $172 fee per guest per contract. This will entitle the guest to play with at least one member during that season's scheduled contract court time. 

Legacy Members: A Legacy Membership is for those members who wish to continue their social involvement with GFS&T Club, but do not actively use either the tennis or swimming facilities regularly.  A Legacy Member will be permitted to personally enter into a Tennis Bubble Court Time Agreement or play under another member's contract for a fee of $50/household.  This fee is in addition to all other Court fees.  A Legacy Member will be assessed guest fees for spot time.