Dive Team FAQs

  • Yes. Coaches will work to help all divers develop their skills to make them competitive-ready!

  • Yes. Many of our divers are also members of the Swim Team.

  • We are flexible!! If the scheduled practice times overlap with your child’s swim practice, please feel free to join the session that best suits your schedule. However, we kindly encourage your child to attend the practice time designated for their age group, as it would greatly benefit your diver.

  • We are using Signup Genius to see diver availability and parent volunteers. Click on an event and indicate your divers' availability and/or volunteer options.

  • A Meets are generally held on Tuesday evenings and are the meets that count towards our NVSL league standing points. B Meets are held on Thursday evenings and are not scored for NVSL points. However, ribbons are awarded in both meets and all times are recorded for our team information.

    A Meet rules limit the number of entrants to 32 per team; Coaches determine if a diver qualifies to participate in a meet

    In B Meets, everyone has the opportunity to dive - there is no limitation on the number of divers each team may enter in a given event. Divers are allowed “do-overs”. Coach-assisted dives are also allowed and scored.

    *We do not currently offer B meets.

  • A diver must be able to perform, unassisted, the required dives for the divers age group. Coaches assess a diver’s ability to perform those dives during practices.

  • Home meets: Arrive at GFST at 4:00 PM for warm-ups and double-check and sign your dive sheet. 

    Home team warm-ups end at 5:00 PM.  The away team warms up between 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

    Away meets: Arrive at the away pool by 5:00 PM to make sure your dive sheet is correct and warm up.

    Divers dive in groups starting at 6:00 PM:

    • Freshman (10 years old and under)

    • Juniors (11-12 years old)

    • Intermediates (13-14 years old)

    • Seniors (15 years old and over)

  • The duration of a dive meet depends on the number of divers participating. When Great Falls competes against a larger team, the meet may run past 8:00 PM. For competitions against smaller dive teams, the meet may end before 8:00 PM.

  • Cracker Jack is one of the largest developmental meets in the country. This 1-day event is a low-pressure fun environment for emerging divers. It is meant for beginning and intermediate divers who usually don't score in A Dive meets. Everyone competes only against other divers of the same age and gender. A diver participating in the Cracker Jack meet cannot compete in the NVSL Division Individual Championships meet.

  • The Wally Martin 3-meter meet takes place on the high boards. It is open to any diver in the NVSL. The required dives are the same as for a dual meet. Separate practices are scheduled at facilities with a three (3) meter board a few days prior to the event. There is a $5 entry fee for participants in this meet. Specific details relevant to the current season will be shared before the event. There will be at least one practice session before this meet.  Must dive in their own age group (i.e., are not allowed to dive up).

    Additional practice sessions will be scheduled at Oakmont (formerly Oak Marr) Rec Center for divers competing. This practice will be outside of normal morning practice hours and coordinated/scheduled by the Head Coach a few days prior to the event.

  • The Synchro Meet is on the 1-meter boards. Synchro pairs can be from any combination of ages or pools. They must be of the same gender.