2025 Dive Team Registration
If your child is interested in diving, please encourage them to try it! No experience is necessary -- children aged 5-18 are welcome if they can jump off the board and pass the swimming test administered by the lifeguard staff.
The registration fee for the Dive team is $190. Please click below to register:
If you register multiple swimmers or divers, you will get a $25 discount for each swimmer/diver after the first one.
Payments are accepted upon registration and can be refunded if your child formally withdraws by June 20, 2025. This allows divers to try out and determine if they want to stay with the sport.
The Dive Team will use Slack for team communications.
Once registered, please look for and accept the invitation to join our Slack channel.
2025 DIVE TEAM REPresentatives:
chalitda chitman (fah) - chalitda.c@gmail.com
melissa fowler - melissafowler@gmail.com
The Dive Team Reps. are happy to answer any questions about the Dive Team, so please don’t hesitate to reach out!