We are excited to have your child join us at GFS&T for Summer Youth Camp!

Details, required paperwork, daily schedules, and other materials can be found here on the Parent Portal. If you have questions that are not answered here, please email club@gfsandt.com

Required Paperwork

The following forms must be filled out and submitted to GFS&T no later than May 15th, 2025.

If your paperwork is not submitted by the deadline, we will assume your camper is not attending and we will offer their spot to the next child on the waiting list.

Please click on the forms below to fill out and submit for your camper(s.) One Camper Information and Medical Form, one Code of Conduct Form, and one Pool Rules Acknowledgement Form is needed for each camper. If more than one child in a family is attending camp, only one Authorized Pick-Up Form is required.

Forms will ask for contact information for medical provider(s), medical insurance coverage, and contact information for emergency contacts. Having that information ready when you start to fill out forms should make for a smooth process!

Daily Schedule (subject to change)

  •  8:45 – 9:00am: Check-In

  • 9:00 – 10:30am: Tennis

  • 10:30 – 11:00am:  Snack Time

  • 11:00 – 12:00pm: Fun Activity and/or Special Guest

  • 12:00 – 12:20pm: Lunch 

  • 12:20 – 1:20pm: Pool 

  • 1:20 – 2pm: Free Choice Activity (swimming, sports, art, games, etc.)                   

  • 2:00 - 2:15pm: Pick-Up OR transition to aftercare

  • 3:00 - 3:15pm: Aftercare Pick-Up

If your child participates in the Rapids Swim or Dive Teams, a counselor will drop them off and/or pick them up from practice. There will be a designated meeting place on the pool deck where a counselor will meet them for pick-up.

If your child participates in a swim practice that starts before 8:45am, you will be responsible for getting them to practice. You will still need to sign your child in to camp!

Depending upon their swim/dive practice times, some campers will have a shortened block of tennis time.

  • What to bring every day:

    • a reusable water bottle

    • bagged snack

    • bagged lunch

    • spray sunscreen

    • tennis racquet*

    • tennis shoes

    • bathing suit 

    • flip flops or pool shoes

    • towel

    All items should be labeled with your child’s first and last name.

    *If your child does not have a tennis racquet, we have a limited number of extras they can borrow. We also have a limited inventory of racquets that can be purchased at a cost of $27. If you purchase a racquet, your camper will receive it on the first day of camp. Please reply by May 1st if your child needs a racquet.

  • ALL CAMPERS MUST BE CHECKED-IN BY A PARENT OR GUARDIAN! Children should not be dropped off at camp without proper sign-in. GFS&T is a community and many people know each other well. We still need adults to sign their children in every day! GFS&T staff will not assume responsibility for a child that has not been properly signed in.

    When you arrive for check-in:

    • Check-in will take place from 8:45-9:00am

    • A parent or designated adult guardian will need to sign each camper in

    • Each camper will receive a bucket for all of their belongings

    • Each camper will receive a wristband each day. The wrist band color designates their swim capabilities and must be kept on throughout their entire day at GFS&T

  • When you arrive for Pick-Up:

    • Pick-Up will take place from 2:00-2:15pm for the regular session campers, and from 3:00-3:15pm for aftercare campers

    • A parent or designated guardian will need to check each camper out with a counselor, and will be asked to provide identification.

    • Campers and their adults should make sure that the campers have all of their belongings.

Refunds and Cancellations

Refunds for camp registration fees and aftercare will only be issued when written notice and a request for a refund is received before May 1st, 2025. Refunds are not given for any camp activities and/or camp days that are cancelled due to inclement weather. Please send all cancellation and refund requests to club@gfsandt.com.